Friday, June 27, 2014

Wooden Bakery and the useless teasing.

Anyone who read Beirut/NTSC chronically (that would be about three people I guess :) ) would know I am not in favor of teasers and revealers. And by God, we get them periodically in the market - revealers that sometimes do not even look slike the teasers, that don't add anything to it, and that could have been compacted in one visual from the get go. Sure, some wonderful campaigns managed to justify the teaser and revealer such as this one, but the crown will always go to "Avenir l'afficheur qui tient ses promesses" (the Myriam Szabo strip-tease and the famous line "le 4 Septembre j'enleve le bas") only for the final outcome to be... this!

Ooops I have gone on a long tangent to say that most of the time teasers are useless, such as the Wooden Bakery one above. It starts with "la ilak ahamm" (to you that's what's important - or a variant of it because the slogan is a bit... odd). And the revealer is "to us you are what's important". The two sentences could have fit easily in one visual without having to break it down into two.

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