Friday, August 8, 2014

Why Anthony Rahayel should decline Deek Duke prize

Source: Facebook

If I am writing this, it's both - to congratulate Anthony Rahayel (our fellow blogger at the excellent No Garlic No Onions) for his Milan trip win in the Deek Duke lottery - and to invite him to decline to accept the prize. Let me stress that Deek Duke says that it did the draw under the supervision of the Lebanese Lottery Association, so I am in no way doubting the fair and square results. But frankly, Anthony has built a solid reputation of not being close to brands which has made his blog credible and very trustworthy. By accepting the prize, there would be too much bantering as to how much his future reviews will be influenced by it, and should they be positive people like me would be thinking "hmmmm, this is a kickback" and should they be negative, we would be thinking "hmm, he's trying to distance himself to remain credible".

No Garlic No Onions is one of the rare blogs I comment on - and frequently - everything from my opinion on the piece to typo mistakes etc... Which is why, to keep the credibility, I humbly ask Anthony to decline the prize.

Otherwise, mabrouk! 

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