Monday, October 20, 2014

CML gets itself a Bourjeily treatment

CML (Caisse Mutuelle Laique) which defines itself as a mutual and social protection body with the mission to offer healthcare services to its members, released one very nicely concepted TV commerial. It's witty without being overdone, funny without sinking to slapstick, and gets its point across without dumbing down its viewer. How cool is that? Through the grapevine, I knew that the person who wrote and directed it is none other than Lucien Bourjeily (whereas to the large public he has shot to superstardom through the March - M and C Saatchi Beirut Marathon stunt, a different audience knows him as a pioneer of improvised theatre in Lebanon) and it seems that even the production company involved Film Production is a company Lucien is a partner in (so that brings it full circle!). Considering how everything appears stiff, badly (or over) acted, totally scripted and unreal in TV ads these days, it is a refresher that CML managed to get away from the crowd and still inflused some freshness with this ad.

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