- /PrecompiledApp.config: Indicates wether the precompiled site is updatable or not.
- /bin/App_global.asax.compiled: Placeholder file for routing the request to global.asax to app_global.asax.dll assembly.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Deployment of Global.asax
Hathway Cable Modem Secrets
System page displays the information related the modem hardware, software details. The remaining three tabs signal, status & log are not accessble as these are only accessible to priviledged users. Access to these pages can be acheived after login
Here click on return to Main Page and we will be redirected to the first page but now we will be able to access the system, signal & log pages.
Apart from these pages there are some other secrets pages like
Remember: Do not modify any of the setting on any page.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Auto Hathway Authentication
New Version v1.0.3 released on 1st Sept 2012
1)Runs on linux using mono runtime.
2)User can change the pooling interval
New Version v1.0.1 released on 30th June 2012 (Refer to the comments for more detail about the change log and update instruction).
Hathway broadband users are required to authenticate on there service portal in order to start internet. This application automatically authenticates user on hathway portal.User has to define the hathway user id and password before starting and then it will keep on monitoring internet connection (pings google.com after every 30 seconds).

Requires Microsoft .Net framework 2.0
Friday, March 2, 2012
Sequential steps to render dashboard properly using Tibco Business Events Views
Below is the process design flow for Views. In order to render dashboard properly these steps should be followed sequentially:
1. Create Metric
2. Define rules/compute metric
3. Create Dashboard System Element
4. Create Data Source
5. Create Chart
a. The category field specifies the X-axis
b. The value field specifies the Y- axis
c. The field specified in Runtime data appears in chart.
6. Create Dashboard page. The name specified in it appears in header, unless modified explicitly.
7. Create View and select the Dashboard page created in above step.
8. Create Role preference. The name of role preference is case sensitive and should match the exact value as given in .pwd file.
9. Optionally create the login page as mentioned in chapter: Customizing Dashboard for Brand Identity of BE views Developers guide.
CoComments are welcome......