Thursday, March 8, 2012

Deployment of Global.asax

This week i encountered a strange issue related to ASP.NET global.asax deployment. I had a precompiled website deployed in production in which i had global.asax but the code written in glabal.asax was not getting executed in the production even if i had App_global.asax.dll in bin directory. After some attempts i found out that unknowningly i was ignoring the meta files and it is necassary to publish following file along with the /bin/App_global.asax.dll otherwise App_global.asax.dll does not work.
  1. /PrecompiledApp.config: Indicates wether the precompiled site is updatable or not.
  2. /bin/App_global.asax.compiled: Placeholder file for routing the request to global.asax to app_global.asax.dll assembly.

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