Friday, March 2, 2012

Sequential steps to render dashboard properly using Tibco Business Events Views

Below is the process design flow for Views. In order to render dashboard properly these steps should be followed sequentially:

1. Create Metric

2. Define rules/compute metric

3. Create Dashboard System Element

4. Create Data Source

5. Create Chart

a. The category field specifies the X-axis

b. The value field specifies the Y- axis

c. The field specified in Runtime data appears in chart.

6. Create Dashboard page. The name specified in it appears in header, unless modified explicitly.

7. Create View and select the Dashboard page created in above step.

8. Create Role preference. The name of role preference is case sensitive and should match the exact value as given in .pwd file.

9. Optionally create the login page as mentioned in chapter: Customizing Dashboard for Brand Identity of BE views Developers guide.

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