Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Is Lebanese currency designed after the 25 Guilders note?

I have recently come across a very interesting theory: Lebanese current design was influenced by the 25 Dutch Guilders note (pay attention that Guilders have been discontinued in favor of Euros). The design above dates back from 1989 - Guilders by the way were notorious for their exceptional design. At first I dismissed the idea as being something not very worthy of attention - problem is - the more I looked at the current Lebanese notes the more I saw the similarity in terms of design. Considering that the 5,000 was released in 1999, the 10,000 and 50,000 respectively in 2000, 2001 this means that there could be grounds of inspiration in that case.

I do not have any "references" on the theory apart from banknote enthusiasts in Europe who pointed me out the this. But now that I look at it, I honestly find it logical that the 25 Guilders note, with its "windows", geometrical pattern, and overall deisgn grid could have easily been the basis of the whole series we are using nowadays.

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