Saturday, November 8, 2014

USEK students tackle the parliamentary extension creatively

First let me begin by saying that this an academic exercise, which by no means reflects the university politics or is endorsed by the brands in question. After Stoli made a punch to the self-extended parliament my brief was for my students to choose a brand and also tackle the same event creatively. Honestly, I was spoiled rotten! The below result is posted in random order for an execrise that was done under strict internet-less conditions (meaning, any a resemblance with anything currently floating online is a simple coincidence).

Elio Mechleb

Elio Mechleb chose "Nike" which - when pronounced in Arabic means "to screw someone" - this mandate extension is the biggest "Nike". There, sealed and delivered!

Elie Aoun

Eie Aoun chose Cafe Najjar, "slowly slowly on the backburner" we load our politicians and have to carry them till 2017.

Joseph Abboud

Joseph Abboud capitalized on a long lasting battery and a famous slogan already "what's your battery? Re-O-Vac" (Chou bettariyetkon?). We should have chosen a disposible brand!

Lexie Daoud

Lexie Daoud strikes a double punch! First with Fiordelli "sar badna ta2m jdid" - we need a new "outfit" (which doubles as new people and new suit!). And then she was on a roll and did Yokohama tires:

Lexie Daoud

"Da3et el tasse" (the wheel cover/compass has been lost).

Rana Ayoub

Rana Ayoub calls for the parliament members to give themselves - and us - a break... Have a break Have a KitKat.


Lea Saliba pictures our speaker of the parliament drinking and therefore stopping to talk for "a moment of silence" to mourn a democracy that remained at the "demo" level.


Ghenwa Abou Fayad takes Exotica for a field trip with "a rose only blossoms... once!".

Once more, this is not a reflection of the USEK politics or the brands' stance on what is going on, but I am very proud we have students who will work in the ad industry capable of creating the concept and the copy for this in 75 minutes or less!

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