Sunday, July 6, 2014

Al Rabita Al Marouniya goes uber patriotic

Al Rabita Al Marouniya (the Maronite league) is organizing its first meeting (it took place on the 5th of July already) and has gone in overdrive patriotic mode - not surprising considering what it is and what it represents. Under the signature "my land is my identity" which already sets the tone, they come up with two visuals "ard el jdoud damanet el woujoud" (the land of the ancestors is the guarantee of existence), and "ardak lil arib mich lil gharib" (your land is for those related to you not the foreigner).

As I mentionned the paranoia and xenophobia is thinly veiled, so there's little wonder there's some right wing sauce dip here. The problem is that the ads - even if decided by committees - actually work in the context.

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