Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hallab tastes much better than their bland campaign.

I am glad Hallab 1881 tastes much better than its campaign, because the campaign it launched is bland - "incolore inodore". It looks as if it is a pastiche of 10 different ideas, the "helou" double-entendre (meaning the same word that mean "handsome" and "sweet" being the same is being heavily drummed up by Douaihy - actually they overused it so much it's annoying!) and the combination of "helou Lebnan" reminds me heavily of "ta3m Lebanan" which the "other" Hallab uses (i.e. Refaat). I am not saying the slogan is stolen or anything, but viewing how much it had been used and abused, it's just not interesting any longer.

"El Amar hall wel helou tall" - "the moon is new and the sweet has shown up" - is an obvious Ramadan allusion which does nothing to elevate the campaign from its "meh" factor.

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