Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jamaa al-Yad and a project still relevant sadly.

أمن بالحجر تحيا
Believe in the stone you shall live

يا حافر حفرة يا واقع فيها
You who dig a hole you shall fall in it

الاخ جناح
A brother is a wing

وين بدو بهرب الديب في الشمس
Where will the wolf hide from the sun?

يا حافر حفرة يا واقع فيها
You who dig a hole you shall fall in it

كيف ما ضربتو بيحي واقف
No matter how you flung it, it lands on its feet

اذكر الديب وهيي القضيب
Talk about the wolf and prepare the stick

قطرة قطرة بتنقر الصخرة
Drop after drop, the rock will split

The above project dates back from 2010 and is an output of Jamaa al-Yad, sadly it is relevant still and even more so 4 years later. With whatever is happening in Gaza today, I thought it was an apt reminder of how things are.

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