Sunday, July 20, 2014

How Scott King sank American Vogue.

July Vogue issue by Scott King

August Vogue issue by Scott King

September Vogue issue by Scott King

November Vogue issue by Scott King

Now that's a refreshing read on a Monday! Former i-D art director and Sleazenation creative director (if you don't know either then stick to Vogue and get uneducated) takes over Vogue in an artistic project which sees him redoing the covers. Whereas the work dates back to 2006, it has been having a moment in the sun for being featured in Fashion Cultures happening at various venues in Glasgow.

The project takes a leaf from all anti-consumerist manifestos, and has not exactly displaced Anna Wintour, but some of those covers still feel refreshingly maverick (even if the cultural references on some of them - Paris Hilton, Cherrie Blair appear dated with age).

The "advertisting free issue" which proclaims "14 pages!" is epic. What can I say?

"Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking!"

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