Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mazen fashion: Daily dresses, bachellor customs, ext.... (UPDATE)

I admit, my English is getting rusty for the current market, which is why probably I did not understand what Mazen Fashion is selling: Daily dresses I could approximate to "day dresses" (as opposed to evening dresses - which, dang, they also sell!), but "bachellor customs" had me seriously scratching my head. I think it originates from "costume" French for "suit" (hence customs?) but "bachellor" is simply incomprehensible to me (is it for bachelor parties, or for single men as opposed to married ones?), and if this was not enough, they add an "ext...." which I though meant extension once you call the listed phone numbers only to then understand it means "etc...." Not only this, they also sell "wholesale and retalil" - that's English problems in wholesale and "retail" if you ask me!

If their quality and taste is as good as their communication, we're in deep trouble!

I have received the following clarification from Mazen Fashion and it seems that sometimes things happen behind our back, so appologies to Abir for being too quick to judge the situation:

Dear Mr. Chemaly, with regards to the above let me clarify the situation.
First am Abir Najem the owner of this shop.
Second I'd like to thank you for highlighting the above mentioned english problems to clarify for my clients as well. actually till now if you visit this shop ( the above one ) you will see that its closed which means that I did not finalise the last touch on every single detail,
Concerning the above huge mistake what happened is that i were out of country when the advertising company came and finished everything during my absence and the girls in the shop didn't realize the mistakes in the board, till the company will not change anything unless I will pay them again and it is not my responsibility to pay since they printed wrong sentences in addition to typing mistakes (daily,retalil, bachellor,ext) and they should cover the expenses not me!! everything is pending for the time being and i didn't start launching my opening date waiting for the result of this discussion with company X to change the board accordingly.
Thank you.

So there, now it's clarified, pity Abir had to go through this with a supposed advertising agency. Wishing her the best with the rest of the story!

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